In music, if two seemingly unrelated sounds can be played together yet somehow connect, it then becomes jazz.
Who the hell do I think I am? What right have I to assault your sense with the above words? Do I even half expect you to half believe such nonsense? I must have some low opinion of you to even attempt it. Surely there are less pretentious words I could use to get whatever point I’m attempting to get across. To call me a loser is to do a massive injustice to losers everywhere. Having said that….
Might I be mocking myself because I don’t want to appear arrogant? If the opening statement rings true, perhaps it’s not me who is arrogant but rather you, for thinking it in the first place. Huh! It’s also ignorant to assume someone (me) is arrogant ‘cause I know more than you! Huh! Therefore…
Assumptions + Ignorance + Arrogance = you
Right in the first place = Me
Stop being so judgemental and you will live a longer life though not as long as me! Huh! Bill Y