Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Where babies come from

Another average day at It's good to mock HQ. Little Dill Y was trying to decide which religion he wanted to mock most. Thirsty Dave was ……. that’s right, he was drinking for what else can what someone with the name 'Thirsty Dave' do except drink? Jill Y being a girl and therefore having the ability to multitask, was trying to fix the time machine while trying to teach me maths. Even if I grow up to be as smart as Paris Hilton, I don't think I'll ever have more than a basic grasp of time travel. Sugartastic Daddy John uses maths for a very different reason. When you have as many wives as he has, you need to know how to effectively organize your time and ever since we invented the 26 hour day and time travel, he can be sure they'll never find out about each other. Then we all had tea and decided to show Little Dill Y where babies come from:

Bill Y


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